MWA-NY 2020 Winter Revels Trivia Game


As part of the MWA-NY 2020 Winter Revels program, we’ve put together five trivia games for you to enjoy.

You can send in answers for as many or as few of the games as you want to! All correct entries will be entered in a raffle for donated ebooks. (The more points you earn, the more entries you get!)

NOTE: We trust you not to cheat by using the internet to research any answers. You are trustworthy, right? Right?!? Good. On to the games!

For each of the five games, you can click on the image to see a larger version. Each image has all the rules you need, but we’ll include them here as well.

When you’re ready, send your answers to (You can send them a single game at a time, or send multiple games in the same email. If our team of accountants doing the scoring has any questions, they’ll reach out to you.)

The deadline to enter is December 11, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. eastern time.

GAME #1 – Match It!

Listed here are ten classic mystery and crime novels. All you have to do is match the book to the year it was published. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

GAME #2 – Recent Edgar Award-Winning Novels

For each award-winning novel, complete the title and the author’s name. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. And — good news! — we have two hints for you:

Hint #1: The number of blank spaces always matches the number of letters.

Hint #2: Every revealed letter is the start of a new word.

GAME #3 – Half Truth

This game has the trickiest rules, but it’s not too bad, we promise.

There are 2 groups on the image. In each group, 3 of the 6 answers are correct. You can submit 1 to 3 answers.

Each group is scored separately. If you send in ANY wrong answers, you earn ZERO points for that group. If you get 1 right, you earn 1 point. 2 right = 3 points. 3 right = 6 points.

But, again, if you get ANY wrong, you earn ZERO points for that group. Let’s be careful out there!

GAME #4 – This, That, or the Other

This game is based on a game played on Ask Me Another, a terrific show and podcast from NPR. For each person listed, guess whether they are an Edgar Award nominee, a presidential assassin (or would-be presidential assassin), or a pro wrestler. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

GAME #5 – Name the Television Cop or Detective

This game is as simple as it sounds… List the names of the television cops and detectives pictured here. NOTE: We’re looking for the character names, not the actors or the television shows.

Be sure to include the appropriate number with each name you submit. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Don’t forget to send your answers to by December 11.

Good luck!