Overlap – Crossword-Style Puzzle (#3)

Each answer in this crossword-style puzzle will, as the name of the game suggests, overlap the following answer by one or more letters. So the answer to #1, for example, will be at least seven letters long.

(Click on the image, or here, for a larger version.)

Have fun and good luck!

(If you’re reading this on the front page of my website, click through for the answers. Otherwise, scroll down.)

SPOILER ALERT: The complete list of answers follows.



  1. Milwaukee
  2. Keepsakes
  3. Escheating
  4. Ingrown
  5. Owners
  6. Sociology
  7. Gymnasium
  8. Umbrella
  9. Laparoscopic
  10. Ice Bath
  11. Thermal
  12. Malapropisms (well done if you recognized the clue is a visual malapropism, not a typo)
  13. Safety
  14. Tycoons

Thanks for playing this crossword-style game! I hope you enjoyed it. (You can find more trivia games here.)

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