NY Times: Host a Multigenerational Game Night

A recent article in The New York Times by Alexis Soloski (“Host a Multigenerational Game Night This Thanksgiving”) includes a lot of great tips for any family game night.

Here are the first two paragraphs:

Monopoly takes forever. Candy Land is dull, Chutes and Ladders preachy, the Game of Life troubling in its implications. So even as parents scramble for offscreen entertainment over the holidays, the prospect of a family game night may drive them to despair.

Some good news: We are living through a 24-karat golden age of tabletop games, an amusement Renaissance that sees thousands of board games published every year, in a dizzying array of story, strategy and design. How to pick a game that will delight the youngest players without boring older ones silly?

Alexis goes on to discuss specific game recommendations, tips for making game night a wonderful experience instead of one that people dread, and more!

Among the people she interviewed for the story (in addition to me) are Nick Fortugno, chief creative officer at Playmatics, and Jon Freeman, the owner of The Brooklyn Strategist.

It’s always fantastic to see the board game hobby get coverage in outlets like The New York Times, and even better when it’s a well-written article by someone who obviously enjoys playing games!


My book HOW TO HOST A GAME NIGHT is available now! Alan R. Moon, designer of Ticket to Ride, calls it “the ultimate guide to gaming” and says it “perfectly describes what makes the world of gaming the special place it is for so many people.” Order your copy (paperback or ebook) now!